Friday, August 13, 2010

Surviving the Emerald Apocalypse

Many years ago I made the personal decision that should any disaster arise that puts my life in jeopardy then I will do whatever it takes to survive it. It seems kind of obvious that I wouldn’t want to die or suffer ill effects from anything that could kill or maim me but then there a difference between hoping not to die and actively preventing my death. I decided that I would truly adopt the satanic principle of self-sufficiency and take charge of my own destiny by no longer putting my faith in the government to come rescue me when the shit hits the fan.

The writing is on the wall for those who wish to read it – disaster is going to strike and it will wreak your life as you know it. A reckoning is coming between the followers of the left-hand path that are united with the Cult of Cthulhu and the followers of the right-hand path. The Emerald Apocalypse is almost upon us. This great upheaval has been prophesized by many people in many cultures and it would be naïve to sit idly and pray that you will not be affected. Whatever may come whether from man-made disasters such as riots and acts of terrorism, to natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, to supernatural disasters such as the awakening of Cthulhu and the coming of the Great Old Ones; preparations need to be made if you plan on being one of the few that lives through it.

Of course there are people, vast amounts of the population, who are completely ignorant of their impending doom. Many more simply choose to ignore the signs, instead putting faith in their government or gods to prevent anything wrong from ever happening. That leaves the few who are aware and cognizant of what approaches, of which only a fraction will take action to stack the deck in their own favor so that they will survive. I will be one of the survivors and I hope that many of my brothers and sisters in the Cult of Cthulhu will be too.

I learned quickly that the will to survive wasn’t enough to keep me alive, I would have to prepare by gathering resources and gaining skills. Agencies such as FEMA and the Red Cross provided me with ample information on what food stuff was best to stockpile, how much water I needed to get by each day, and what other items I should have available. Having stuff and equipment wasn’t enough then and it isn’t enough now. Don’t get me wrong, having provisions on hand will see most people through most disasters but if all you have is provisions then you aren’t doing all you can do to make sure you survive any disaster. I found out, as many survivalists found out before me, that knowledge and skills is what will see me though those times when stuff is not enough.

It seems that any activity has its fair share of armchair theorists, and while being all talk might not be all that dangerous in many walks of life, in preparing to survive the Emerald Apocalypse actions may help preserve your life where talk will surely not. You’ll have to get your ass out of the chair and start practicing to gain the skills you will desperately needed in the coming future. One of the first items I bought to aid me in survival was a ferrocerium rod used in fire starting. Building a fire in my backyard and lighting it with sparks off of my rod built a lot of confidence at first but as I started showing off to friends and family I found that my ability to light a fire varied with conditions such as wind and rain. At that point I knew that I had left the confines of my armchair and I was now faced with the reality that stuff is not enough.

With all the resources available to you to gain the information you need to know what you need to gather and what you need to learn how to do, it seems pointless for me to delve into that. What it isn’t pointless for me to mention is that if you know that the Emerald Apocalypse is coming and you plan on surviving it but you aren’t doing everything you can be to ensure your survival then you are being stupid. The Emerald Kingdom will be forged from the ashes of the Emerald Apocalypse – you are needed… so get to work.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


High Priest Venger Satanis of the Cult of Cthulhu posted his vision of unifying the Left-hand Path.

Very interesting.

The discussions on the Cult forum is equally interesting